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Volunteer Committee

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

 Volunteer Committee - this is our meeting, join us.


What does this committee do?  Try to come up with ways to improve volunteers' experience, recruit more volunteers, and make their work more useful. 


Issues to address regarding volunteers:

  • need to make open-shop volunteering easier and more meaningful/educational for participants,
  • could probably use volunteers better to help the shop stay organized and get things done. 
  • it's hard to be the "volunteer coordinator" during open shop - how can we make that easier?
  • how can we inject some more fun in Free Ride and give volunteers a chance to get to know each other?
  • how can we communicate clearly and easily to people the different ways they can volunteer and get involved? (It's not clear to me how this relates to the work of the inreach committee, so while there are some ideas listed, we're open to turf-clarification-discussions here too.)

Create a list of volunteer tasks (ongoing plus ad-hoc additions) for the "volunteer coordinator" to consult and dole out to people at open shop.   

Create laminated cards explaining how to do certain regular volunteer tasks that can be handed out to open shop volunteers

  • How to re-pack a hub
  • How to true a wheel
  • How to strip a bike
  • How to patch a flat
  • how to sort...whatever parts we want sorted.







Create little storage tins for bike-strippers to use that have compartments to store all the bits they are supposed to save.  Or at least give them a bucket.  To prevent the disorganized pile on the floor that usually happens, and the subsequent loss of half the important bits for any given bike part.   

Volunteer trainings - revise, conduct.

  • Create an "orientation" training that is shorter, broader, and less intensive than the "staff training." 
  • Still hold staff trainings, but as a second level for people who really want that.




Create a shop map and index so people can find things.  Jessica is working on this

Hold more fun social events - bike rides, parties, etc.. - through Free Ride. 

Make the "sign" explaining what free ride is, our collective structure, committees, etc.  


Okay, what did I forget?  What else can we do?  Add your ideas people!





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