Plans for Shop Signs
"Code of Conduct"
- we should establish guidelines and expectations for how people in our shop will behave.
- make sure Free Ride is a safe space
- don't take tools from other people, let them make mistakes
- don't interrupt volunteers if they are working with someone else, even if it's a 'little' question.
"What is Free Ride!" (front of shop)
- Collective of volunteers
- Goals, organizational structure, meetings, how to get involved, etc.
- mimic bike parts illustration, using Free Ride collective structure illustration - "Free Ride, expanded view" (or is it exploded....whatevs, you know what i mean)
Free Ride! is a non-profit recycle-a-bike shop that enables people of all ages to obtain, recycle, and maintain bicycles. Through educating people on how to recondition used, donated bicycles, we are putting forgotten bikes back on the streets in a reliable, safe condition. We aim to enhance the health of our community and environment by promoting active living and encouraging bicycle transportation.
- Structure: Supporters, Coordinators, Collective Council - illustration
- You can get involved!
-volunteer during open shop
-staff during open shop (hey....who are these bossy staffers, anyway? they're volunteers, just like you! come to a training, put your name on the calendar, show up and be helpful and try not to be a jerk...yep, now you're a Free Ride staffer!)
- have a great idea about how to make free ride run better? volunteer here, come to some meetings, make your dreams come true
-share your knowledge and be willing to learn
"Donate Bikes Here" (put near the donation pile)
- Thanks for helping Free Ride!
- How to get a tax form
"Earn a Bike, Buy a Bike" (front of shop)
- Explain the options (pay vs. volunteer)
- Picking a bike: fit, how the tags work
- Log your work and volunteer hours in the binder!
"Working On Bikes" (front of shop)
- We only have ___ stands and toolboxes. If they are all in use, you can put your name on the tool waiting list and wait, or you can come back later.
- Things you can do without tools: fix flats, earn volunteer hours (clean, organize, take out trash, etc.)
- How the tool checkout process works
-Hi! I'd like to work on my bike!
~That's's a toolbox
(repeat process until toolboxes are gone)
-Hi! I'd like to work on my bike!
~That's aren't the only one. All our stands are full right now, but if you put your name on this list, we'll let you know when your turn is up. In the meantime, you can read this exciting bike repair manual and figure out how to do whatever it is you want to do. Or you can volunteer, and give some time back to Free Ride. Or you can leave and come back later today, or on a different day.
- How to ask for help
- Kids can use the shop, but only if they bring an adult
"Shop Map" (maybe a few of these in different places)
- Drawing of the shop's floor plan
- Tools, wheels, forks, small parts, lube, ...
Hanging Signs
Update, Thu, Aug 2, 2007:
There is now a 2 foot by 4 foot piece of 1/8 inch "hardboard" at the front of the shop for puting a FreeRide logo, signs, etc on. There are a variety of options for mounting the board in the vacinity of the recycling stuff.
So far the mounting options are:
- Buy a $73 Heavy Duty 5 shelf unit (72 inches tall, 5 adjustable height shelves, shelves are 2 feet by 4 feet) from Home Depot. Drill some holes in the board. Bolt the board to the side rails of the shelf. This would probably be doable in a couple hours start to finish, and the shelf would be very useful for organizing the pile of junk and recycling at the front of the shop (assuming we start putting some of the recycling in bins on the shelves). The downside is that $73 is a lot for something that potentially could be found for free.
- Use some of the really long 2x4 leaning against the wall by the donation pile to make a simple easel thing. This would probably take a few hours, it would cost nothing, and it would do nothing to help organize stuff.
- Get some kind of a shelf thing from CJ. Buying something from them could be pretty quick. Trying to get something free could be painful. UPDATE: as of Saturday, August 4, CJ did not appear to have any industrial shelving or cabinets that would be worth buying for the front of the shop.
- Find or buy wood and make a shelf thing. This is not likely to happen by Bike!Bike!, and it might or might not be much cheaper than buying a shelf.
Front-of-shop shelf/locker thing for organizing the recycling, hanging signs on, and maybe also locking up bags:
Basic idea: Build an organizer to go in the corner where all the trash and recycling stuff currently is. Replace the random collection of trash cans with plastic bins that can slide into shelves in the organizer, but have the shelves be spaced out enough that you can throw stuff into the bins without taking them off the shelf. Label the bins to match the dumpsters in the parking lot (scrap metal, trash, glass, plastic). Make a map of the dumpsters in the parking lot. Have volunteers empty the bins. Make sure not to get huge huge bins so that: a) volunteers can carry them easily, b) the organizer can be built with lots of room for locking up bags and storing other random stuff (like trash bags).
The top of the organizer would be divided into bag sized lockers (perhaps one for each toolbox + extras for staff). The end result should provide a fairly large surface to hang signs on (lockers and bins would open into the shop, signs would go on the side of the organizer where people would see them as they walk in).
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