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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

Agenda for Sunday, September 9th, 2007



Meeting Agenda

- Check for anything we need to talk about that didn't make it onto the wiki

- Apparently a lot of people are going to be out of town...perhaps not a good day for making big decisions

- Discuss the possibility of setting some time limits for agenda items at this meeting

- Bike repair class starts at 5pm; finishing the meeting by 4-ish would be awesome!



- Discuss meeting locations (re: the discussion last month about finding a more public space)

- Set time & location for the special meeting on morphing coordinator roles into committees (last meeting we approved this for Sun, October 7, time and location to be decided)

- Set time & location for October general meeting (Sun, October 14?)


CJ Relations:

-beerfest cleanup items

-slop sink is going in, they want some help from us (look here).

-lease and other updates...


Coordinator Report Backs


Discuss the Merton Center's current situation.

- Details from our latest meeting with Kevin Amos at the bottom of this page.


Critical Mass

-August Critical Mass re-hash, if anybody doesn't know what happened

-ummm...so, what now?

-and what does Critical Mass have to do with Free Ride?


Talk about documenting coordinator roles

- Documentation wiki page is coming along


Discuss reorganizing the layout of the shop:

- Status update on waiting lists, stand/toolbox checkout, exceptions, etc.

- Changes to waiting list policy?

- Review text for additional signs (which somebody will hopefully have written on the wiki by then)

- Approve money for making all the signs in cut vinyl?

- Move toolbox lockup to the front of the shop by the greeter?

- Move cash register up by the greeter? (problem: having it in the back is probably better for security)

- Alternatives to narrowing the entryway (for regulating flow of people in and out of shop)?

- In-toolbox manuals - volunteer committee is collecting suggestions for content.


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