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Open Shop Comittee

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Open Shop Comittee



Ok all, this here is the new home of the Open Shop Committee. If anyone has any Open Shop related ideas or issues, this is the place to put them so that the comittee can work on addressing them.





Next Open Shop Comittee meeting - Good Question. Sometime in January at this point, unless someone else would like to coordinate.


Erland - Stuart if you need to get a hold of me drop me an e-mail






This is a work in progress. I know there were some things discussed for Open Shop during the November general meeting, I'll hunt those down and fill them in later. Got any ideas for how to make Open Shop better? Put them here.



Proposal: The open shop committee should discuss what to do about making sure shifts get staffed, keeping in mind the discussion at the November meeting.

So, responsibility for the management of Open Shop staffing lands on us. Options discussed were a Google Calendar, which met with heavy resistance, putting together a definitive call list with an outline of volunteer availability, and coming up with a plan to make sure none of this makes either the caller or the volunteers feel hassled.
Personally, I like the idea of at least having SOME sort of quick reference that gives a GENERAL idea of times when people just wouldn't want to be called. I dunno, maybe I'm crazy, but if we ever have more than about 15 people on the list it would be really helpful.
Additionally, given the rash of low staffing incidents that I've been reading about, there should be some way for people to get ahold of the person in charge of the call list in case of emergency. That way if someone absolutely had to bail they could at least get the ball rolling to find a replacement for that shift.

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