
coordinator roles

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Saved by PBworks
on April 11, 2007 at 12:42:51 am

Shop Coordinator


*Organize and maintain bike repair station and toolboxes.

*Keep track and inventory of tools and supplies

*Order parts, tools, and necessary supplies and maintain communication with Treasurer

*Maintain a “special order” system



Program Coordinator



Inreach Coordinator-this is being brainstormed


  • Making sure that meetings are emailed a week in advance and they have a time and a place.

*Finding resolution to things ex. This meeting wasn’t explicitly decided

*Between meeting logistical decision

*Coordinating meetings and work days


*Making an agenda for meetings

*Volunteer concept development

*Coordinators keeping track of hours/ volunteer binders

*Interpersonal mediation

*Follow up on things we say we’re going to do.

*Reminder of policy change



Email, Phone, and Media Coordinator









Volunteer Coordinator



General Coordinator

*Open and close workshops.

*Turn on and off the lights and air compressor.

*Maintain orderly workshops, keep workbenches and tables clear of debris, sweep floor, and encourage volunteers to clean up.

*Put out trash.

*Keep lists of items in short supply for Repair Coordinator.

*Attend Coordinators meetings/workshops.

*Sort recent donations.

*Know and be able to run the shop and answer customer questions.

*Sell bikes



Other Tasks that don't fit in neatly



Things that aren't getting done, but should

*Diagnose and label incoming repairs for the ease of Workshop Coordinators.

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