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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 5 months ago
  • 3-24-2008: I (Jake) sent an email inviting Mike Gable to our April 6, 2008 general meeting.
  • 3-13-2008: Zimbabwe bikes were removed fro SCB's office space.  Swoon art was removed from SCB's outdoor wall space.
  • 3-10-2008: Mike and Nathaniel have asked that the Zimbabwe bikes be removed from SCB's offices and our vinyl sign be taken down from SCB's door by Friday, March 14, 2008.  Requests have been sent out to appropriate people for each task.
  • 3-8-2008: Mike Gable has offered to come to a Free Ride meeting in the near future for the purpose of explaining CJ's unique lease agreement, how it relates/applies to us and also to explain CJ's long-term plans for capital improvements to building and property.
  • 3-2-7008: Based on my proposal here, I (Jake) sent a message to Mike Gable and Nathanel Doyno of Steel City Biofuels informing them of the merging of the CJ and SCB liaison roles.  Copy of the message is out on our email list.
  • 2-24-2008: I (Jake) mistakenly emailed Mike Gable some information that was supposed to be sent to him in an official letter which was to be drafted, edited and sent by the entire collective. Contact me if you need to see these messages.
  • 2-22-2008: Meeting with Will, Jake Mike Gable of CJ and Nathaniel Doyno of Steel City Biofuels.  Discussion of this meeting can be found in the Februrary 24th, 2008 Meeting Minutes.
  • 1-15-2008: I (Jake) had a meeting with Deb and Mike Gable(!).  Minutes here.
  • 11-30-2007: Deb returned my call:
    • the interim lease agreement letter has been put on hold by CJ because they are also talking to another (unnamed) group who also wants to sublet space in the same way free ride does.  because of this CJ has gone ahead and asked their attorney to begin drafting sublet papers that will work for free ride and this mystery group as well as any other group who may want to sublet space at CJ in the future.  it seems possible that our interim lease agreement letter will be put aside by CJ in favor of the document their attorney is drafting.  this is happening although CJ's lease has not yet been finalized, Deb claims they are in "final" negotiations in that matter.
  • 11-30-2007: Called Deb @ 9am, left message:
    • asked about the interim lease agreement letter...
  • 11-6-2007: Called Deb @ 2pm, left message:
    • mentioned the interim lease agreement letter...
    • mentioned that i'd be out of town for a good part of december so we should have another meeting before then if needed
    • told her free ride would be closed for handmade arcade
    • asked her to dig up some informationm about their heating setup and costs from last year:
      • how many heaters and ho long/when they ran
      • what their gas bill was like
      • if their billing rate for gas has changes this year
  • 11-1-2007: Called Deb @ 3pm:
    • she and Mike seem to think our draft is mostly good, she wants to change some language...
    • ...she will make her changes and try to get her draft to me by our sunday, november 4th general meeting
  • 10-31-2007 Called Deb @ 4pm, left message:
    • asked her to get back to me asap about our lease proposal
    • haven't heard back from her from my previous message on 10-25-2007...
  • 10-25-2007:  Called Deb @ 4pm, left message:
    • prompted her to get back with me about our lease counterproposal, i mentioned our agreed upon 1 week contact interval
    • i also added that i was available to meet anytime on friday
  • 10-18-2007:
    • I (jake) stopped by CJ and handed Deb our new draft (from the october meeting) of the interim lease.  she was surprised by its expansive size.  we agreed that she'd get back in touch with me within one week about it for more drafting/review/whatever.
  • 10-10-2007:
    • I (jake) had a meeting with Deb today.  Minutes here.  She handed me a draft interim lease which you can comment on here.
  • 10-9-2007: Deb called me:
    • she and i will have a meeting this thursday - her office - 1pm
    • CJ's lease is still up in the air; Deb seems flabbergasted about it.  there are more problems with the landlord that i'll try to get more elaboration about
    • she's going to try and draft a interim lease letter fo us to review this weekend at our monthly meeting
    • and she says our rent will likely go up when they present us with a new lease
    • shaun will make a coop "escrow" deposit based on the latest invoice ($400), i'll give Deb a new statement this week
  • 10-1-2007: New invoice from CJ:
    • erok handed me a new invoice from CJ for $400, the item is "sublet"
  • 9-8-2007: Impromptu meeting with Deb @ Free Ride:
    • the utility sink is partially installed already.  it's a big stainless stel thing right in the middle of the "EXIT" wall
    • the side space (see second bold note below) is cleaned up to her satisfaction
    • talked specifics about our front area clean up that she and chris would like to see for beerfest:
      • they'd like us to pull the tire and tube recycling as well as the assorted trash cans inside our space
      • they'd like us to seriously REDD UP the desk area so it doesn't look sloppy
        • i (jake) am going to go in on friday afternoon at 2pm to do this clean up, an email will go out asking for a few volunteers
      • we are getting 4 comp tix for beerfest...
      • it would be cool if a few folks would come in and table for free ride during beerfest (we're closed that day)
  • 9-7-2007: Called Deb @ noon Re: her last message
    • she's fine with the back area cleanup happening on saturday the 8th during free ride's open shop time
    • she mentioned that we could have an info table set up in our front area during beerfest and we'd get comp tickets for the (over 21, please) staffers that work at it
    • reiterated that she wants our front area to be sparklingly presentable
    • ps. they're gonna park a fire truck in the warehouse beside free ride for beerfest...
  • 9-6-2007: Deb left voicemail:
    • she really needs the cleanup items from the previous entry (see below) to be done, she's a bit stressed about this.
  • 9-4-2007: Deb called me (jake), time sensitive items are in bold:
    • Slop sink:
      • is getting installed this week or next, but definitely before beerfest (it's on Sept. 15ht)
      • it's going somewhere in the middle of the wall with the giant painted "EXIT" sign
      • she wants one or two volunteers from Free Ride to help paint that wall this week (week of sept. 3rd) before they put the sink in


      • it will likely be a double-basin type sink with the option of us adding a garbage disposal at a later time if we see fit
      • i reiterated that we are only going to pay $200 for installation until a lease is completed
      • she reiterated that they want us to maintain this sink, i said we'd discuss it
    • Roof:
      • Chip knows about the roof
      • Deb doesn't know if anything has been done about it yet
    • Lease:
      • their lease is almost done, just "legal housekeeping" to do
      • she will start working on something for us to look at the week after beerfest
      • so, no interim lease for now
    • Etc.:
      • says lights and fans have been left on in the space recently, wants us to be extra careful about not doing this
      • she wants us to clean up and make neat the front (visible) part of our pace so it looks good for beerfest
      • they are cleaning up for beerfest this week, she wants us to move all of our stuff that has migrated out behind their racking, particularly at the back of the shop
  • 8-18-2007: Called Deb @3pm RE: Leaky roof in back of shop:
    • says they found out about it on the day of the storm
    • the building owner's maintenance person is supposed to be on this
  • 8-15-2007: Called Deb @ 11:30am RE: Interim Lease.  She said she's start drafting it within the next 2 days.
  • 8-8-2007: Meeting with Deb, Stuart and Jake.  Notes here.
  • 7-13-2007: Called Deb @ 2pm
    • They hope to have a least sometime in August, possibly for 30 years.
    • They are having a fund raiser event on Saturday Sept 15th. Some sort of beer tasting. They want us to be closed that day.
    • They decided they want a fancy sink. Deb want to install it to code and put in nice shelves and paint. Wants it in by Sept 15th.
    • Reminds us to keep our stuff clear when we're not there.


  • 5-11-07 : Deb left voice mail. The bathroom sink was clogged with food again, she is not happy.
  • 4-25-07 12:05pm : Ate lunch with Deb at the coop. Took Notes (also available as a DOC).
  • 4-17-07 5:17pm : Deb called me
    • They got the second letter, she says she'd have done the same if she were in our position.
    • We will meet on Wednesday the 25h in the Coop Cafe at 12:30pm. Please let me know if you plan to attend.
  • 4-14-07 1:32pm : Deb called me
    • They got the letter, Mike Gable got his copy.
    • She gave me Lou Dibruzzo's phone number, 412-589-0463. I called Lou and told him that the sink was tied up in negotiations with CJ but if he could do an estimate we'd appreciate it. He said he would next time he's in the warehouse.
    • She cannot send me email because she doesn't have a chance to use her computer at work and doesn't have internet access at home right now. She will give us a hardcopy notification of the maintenance fees in our mailbox.
    • I didn't mention the new letter while talking to her. I thanked her for getting back to me about Lou and the fees, but didn't say we'd do anything.
  • 4-14-07 12:40pm: Dropped SecondCJLetter in mailbox. Should arrive Monday or Tuesday.
  • 4-8-07 4:00pm: Left Deb voicemail:
    • Asked if she got letter
    • Reminded her I hadn't gotten the email she was going to send with Lou's contact info and the formal announcement of the new charges.
    • Gave her me email address again.
  • 3-28-07 : Deb left me voicemail:
    • Bruce told her the bathroom was really messy again this week. Vegetable soup in the traps. She plans to bill us for this.
    • Someone working at CJ saw someone from FreeRide! leaving through the main CJ door. This is not OK because the door might be left unlocked. She requests that we use our own door all the time. Andalusia said this might have been one of the youthworks kids. I think we should point out that their customers regularly wander into our space and move/take/leave things. It's an open warehouse and there's no way we can guarantee what people are going to do. Maybe we could offer to put up signage in the shop advising people about the proper exit...
  • 3-26-07 : Called Deb at 11:30 we talked about about:
    • Letter - she never got it, perhaps I didn't send it - it'll go in the mail today.
    • Heat - They now say we should get our own contractor, they recommend their guy, Lou Dibruzzo (sp?). Deb will email me his contact information.
    • Sink/Bathrooms - Deb is not happy that the bathrooms are very messy. She's been paying Bruce to clean them weekly and he is finding bike parts in them, ball bearings in the traps, etc. She wants us to pay for the additional work he has to do and is planning to charge $25/wk going forward. If we get a slop sink installed (they will give us the sink, we contract Lou to install it, it might be expensive since it requires ripping up concrete) that weekly fee will be reduced but not eliminated.
    • Planer - They are not willing to negotiate the planar's use right now because there is a large backlog of wood to be planed. Once that's done they may be able to accomodate our shop hours.



  • 2-13-07 : Called Deb at 12:00, left message asking for update on heat quote.
  • 2-9-07 : Called Deb ~3:00pm, asked about status of heat quote.
    • Brian is going to talk to a contractor they've had doing work in the warehouse as CJ cannot do the work themselves. I am going to call her back at EOB Monday or on Tuesday morning at which time she hopes to have an answer.
  • 2-8-07 : Called Deb ~2:30pm, left voicemail asking about status of heat quote.
  • 2-6-07 : Called Deb @ 1:16pm
    • She is going to get a quote on the radiant heater from Brian and will call me back (probably 2-7-07).
  • 2-5-07 : Jessica called Deb to tell her that Stuart is the new liaison.
    • CJ plans to write a large grant (possibly from multiple sources) that will include facilities improvements. They plan to involve us and Steel City Biofuels in the process for the design and pursuit of this grant.
  • 2-4-07 : New Draft of the letter is on the wiki. Edit away.
  • 1-27-07 : Brian dropped by during open shop to ask us to post a list of people who were allowed in the shop when Free Ride is closed. He says he frequently finds people looking through our parts when we are closed and doesn't have a way to know if they are allowed to do this. I wrote a short list of names and posted it on the fixed part of the inside of the sliding door (below the sport/transport poster) where he asked me to put it. We should discuss an official policy for who can be in the shop and if we want to use this list of names at our next meeting. - Stuart


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