

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago

Meeting notes, August 8th 2007


In attendance: Stuart Anderson, Deb Elliott, Jake Kilburg


Copies to: Stuart Anderson, Deb Elliott, Mike Gable, Jake Kilburg


[constructionjunction.org | mgable@constructionjunction.org]


[constructionjunction.org | delliott@constructionjunction.org]


[cmu.edu | soa@ri.cmu.edu]


[gmail.com | j.nasty@gmail.com]


Action Items:





  • contact Lou about sink installation costs and etceteras




  • deal with temporary temporary lease negotiation
  • jake is new CJ/FR liason



Operations & etceteras:


  • Deb now knows FR will be closed Sept. 15 for the beer party
  • some breakers have been left on from time to time, esp. ceiling fans, so...
  • ...Free Ride closing staff should be sure to turn off ALL breakers that aren't in some way marked "leave on" (such as the solar D breaker).





    Stuart gave Deb a copy of the statement from the Co-Op Credit Union account which holds Free Ride's back rent.  We learned that CJ is nearing a "final point" in their own lease negotiation - when it's signed, they'll be ready to negotiate our lease.  In the mean time, Deb suggested an interim lease in order to facilitate the release of funds from the Co-Op rent holding account as soon as possible.  This lease will be in the form of a letter which Deb will supply to us.  We will then go through a brief period of editing - hopefully completed by the next general Free Ride meeting - and if all is acceptable we will sign it.





  • CJ will not allow the sink to be installed in a bathroom
  • they would like to have this installed in time for the beer party (sept 15th)
  • we agreed that Free Ride would maintain this sink (EDIT: we did not agree on this yet, but should discuss at the next mtg)
  • Deb understands that Free Ride will commit only $200 to this until we have a lease, then we can discuss further costs
  • Deb suggested Lou for the installation, Stuart will contact him for an estimate



Liason Transfer:


  • Jake is new FR/CJ liason
  • will continue Stuart's monthly meetings with Deb & report back



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